My Daughter Gave Birth to Quadruplets!

Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Psalms 112:1-2

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Over 12 Pounds of Baby/The End in Sight

Some of the nurses have become our friends. It will be hard to say goodbye when the time comes.

Last night was scary. Sarah had contractions every three minutes for several hours. She was given a shot of Brethine to stop labor. It is actually an asthma medicine which relaxes smooth muscle--both in the bronchial tree and in the uterus. She is already on regular doses of Procardia, a heart medicine, which also helps relax smooth muscle in the uterus.

Of all the drugs used, the first line of defense in preterm labor is the magnesium sulfate that Sarah was on when first admitted. Given by IV, it has an excellent safety margin, its levels can be checked with a blood test to avert toxicity, and it's been around for generations. Unfortunately, it makes patients feel miserable.

Apparently, Baby A is using Sarah's bladder for a bed, which has caused an infection that won't go away. Infections can cause labor, so the doctor ordered IV antibiotics for four days. Next, he ordered another round of steroids to speed lung and brain development. The steroid shot hurts and makes Sarah have contractions, but it is a miracle drug for unborn babies.

Finally, the contractions stopped. I wheeled her down for a full sonogram on all the babies. Quad A is so low in the pelvic area that his head is impossible to measure. No wonder she is having so much discomfort! She is also having some trouble with her left leg. It is weak and hard to maneuver. Please pray that she doesn't fall.

Here is the Bio-Physical Profile Report:

Quad A:

Fluid around baby-good
Practicing breathing-good
Heart rate--128
Monitoring results--good
BPP--10 out of 10
Weight--3 lbs. 8 oz.

Quad B:

Fluid around baby-good
Practicing breathing-good
Heart rate--160
Monitoring results--good
BPP--10 out of 10
Weight--2 lbs. 14 oz.
Position--Breech Oblique

Quad C:

Fluid around baby-good
Practicing breathing-good
Heart rate--146
Monitoring results--good
BPP--10 out of 10
Weight--3 lbs. 2 oz.

Quad D:

Fluid around baby-good
Practicing breathing-good
Heart rate--158
Monitoring results--good
BPP--10 out of 10
Weight--3 lbs. 4 oz.

That puts the baby weight alone at over 12 pounds, not counting placenta and amniotic fluid. There is a 17% discordance between the biggest baby and the smallest. They like it to be less than 20%, so all is well!

At this point, the doctor is still hoping to get her to 35 weeks. They will make every attempt to stop contractions for the next 2 weeks.

From 32 to 34 weeks, she stops taking one of her anti-contraction medicines because it hinders the closing of the soft spots in the skulls. If she goes into labor during those 2 weeks, it depends on the doctor on call whether he will stop labor or not.

After 34 weeks, when she goes into labor they will deliver her by C-section.

I had an unintended compliment today from one of the nurses. All this time, she thought I was Sarah's sister. I am not sure how much Sarah appreciates it, but I am happy. :) I thanked the nurse, but she replied, "Don't thank me! Go home and thank your mother for the good genes!" She is right. My mom is certainly forever young.

So many people have come and gone since Sarah has been here. Many have heartbreaking stories to tell. Sometimes I wish I could go into each room to offer encouragement. Instead, I pray for them all. There are also so many kind nurses and employees who go out of their way to serve and heal. I pray that God will bless them for all of their care.

God's plans are so much more involved that I could ever imagine. Even though it seems as if we have taken an unexpected detour from our well-planned lives, God isn't wasting our time. So we try to let everyone know how God is working in amazing ways. As each day passes and the end of this alternate route is in sight, I pray that others will see the biggest miracle--the transforming power of Jesus.

"And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2


DotNana said...

I check in every morning, and night to see if there are any updates.
God has brought you this fall.
His love is never ending.
Where is there is a vision, there will be a provision.
I keep you in thoughts and prayers.
God bless you, and "all"

Sondra said...

Thank you for the encouragement and prayers. Yes, God does provide. I just need to keep remembering that! :)