My Daughter Gave Birth to Quadruplets!

Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Psalms 112:1-2

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Stress, Whispers and Nudges/Give Thanks to the Lord

The last week has been stressful!

First, Sarah had a couple of mishaps in as many days that made her have contractions, one involving the couch and another resulting from a fender "bump" on the way to the doctor. Wow! Makes me more thankful than ever for the prayer cover!

Sonograms revealed that the babies are doing well and the contractions have calmed down. They also confirmed the boy-boy-girl-girl discovery. Sarah did much better afterward since she took the doctor's advice and used a wheelchair for this visit. She is going every week now. The babies are so cute in the pictures. They are growing very quickly. So far, the girls are very active and the boys more laid back. Quad C is so wiggly it is hard to measure her heartbeat. :) Wonder what she is thinking?

Second, we have been approached about an opportunity to do a TV documentary for pro-life awareness. We have talked, emailed and met with the producers, trying to determine whether or not to do it. I am sure we are driving them crazy with our questions! We know someone who is on staff with the organization, which helps to put our minds at rest, but we still have to consider the consequences of putting ourselves and the quads in the public eye while taking a stand for life. We read some warnings put out by multiples groups regarding media coverage which stated the negatives, which were many. Plus, there is more to the story that very few people know. Tony has an amazing life journey that builds my faith every time I think of it, but it is a painful one. While trying to consider all things involved, we have been praying--hard--for God's direction.

Meanwhile, fear struggles with faith.

This week, I was reading the passage in John 4 where Jesus talked to the woman at the well. She went back to tell the people in her town about this Man who told her everything she had ever done. The Bible says in John 4:39 that many believed because of her testimony.

On Sunday, my pastor mentioned this Scripture: "My dear friends, if you know people who have wandered off from God's truth, don't write them off. Go after them. Get them back and you will have rescued precious lives from destruction and prevented an epidemic of wandering away from God" James 5:19-20.

Then, while listening to Christian radio as I was getting ready for school, I heard how the pro-life commercial that aired during the Superbowl influenced a woman to change her mind about having an abortion.

I love it when God patiently whispers and nudges.

"Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done..."Psalm 105:1-5

Pray for us. We want God's will, which is what we would choose anyway if we knew all the facts.

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