We went to the hospital for Sarah's appointments today. While we were waiting to go in, I noticed a pregnant woman crying in the corner of the waiting room. I felt sorry for her, and wondered about her story. Life can be so hard sometimes.
When Sarah's turn came, her sonogram took over two hours. There was discomfort, but WOW, the report couldn't be better! As far as the technician can tell, the babies are healthy. They weigh 13 ounces each, and are growing evenly.They are harder to see now because they are bigger. Baby Boy A is head down. Everyone else is breech. Baby B is sandwiched in between A and C. (I told Sarah we could call him "Earl," as in "Earl of Sandwich." Sorry. I have my dad's sense of humor.) Little Girl C turned to look right at the camera, appearing curious. Little Girl D--the one in the penthouse suite--was sucking her thumb.The technician commented how active they are, to which Tony replied, "Great."
The doctor's exam went well, too. Sarah's blood pressure is low. She gained weight. Her sugar levels are normal. The most amazing test result is not for the squeamish, so skip this part if you have a tendency to blush. The doctors use cervix length to check for preterm labor. They prefer the length to be at least 2.5. She measured at 5.8! God likes to make sure we know He's been busy. The doctor said, "There must be a mistake."
I smiled and replied, "This may sound a strange to you, but we have so many people praying for these babies. God is blessing them. Prayer makes a big difference!" Then I said, "They are asking what to pray for. What should we tell them?"
The doctor said, "Well, we want the babies to continue to grow evenly, especially since it is not uncommon for them to be different weights at this point. Also, that Sarah avoids preterm labor and continues to have no complications. That's about it. "
We thanked the doctor and said that we would pray for her, too. As she was leaving, she paused at the door and agreed, "Yes, prayer is powerful."
The quads have a ministry already, and they don't even know it. Thanks for praying!
"I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws.I hold fast to your statutes, O LORD; do not let me be put to shame. I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free." Psalm 119:30-32
1 comment:
I just wanted to introduce myself as your newest blog follower. I'm not sure how I came accross your blog but I must say that I went back and read your story from the beginning. Your faith is inspiring! I myself am a mother of triplet girls. Unfortunately, only two of my girls survived. My girls are now 13 months old and are doing amazing. After being told that my girls would never leave the hospital, I 100% believe that prayers are the only thing that protected my family. Jeremiah 29:11 is my favorite verse and I'm sure it completely applies to your life right now. Instead of babbling on and writing a book, I want to ask you a couple of questions....I'm about to have a garage sale and get rid of all my daughters preemie clothes, newborn clothes, bottles, bumbo chairs, and all the stuff we do not use anymore. Is there anything that you guys need that I can get to you? I don't even have any idea where you are located but we had so many people help us out in the beginning, I feel that it is the least I can do to give back to a fellow Mommy of multiples. Please email me and let me know if there are specific things that the Fabulous Four are needing and I will do my best to get what I have to you! Sending prayers of hope and strength to you and your family! Janet (cardinalsfan0718@netzero.com) http://janetsmith0718.blogspot.com
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