My Daughter Gave Birth to Quadruplets!

Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Psalms 112:1-2

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cameras Rolling/Relax and Grow

We decided to go ahead with the television documentary for pro-life awareness,and filmed the first episode today. Filming was easier than I thought it would be. The crew was very professional and made it go smoothly.

Sarah's mandatory bed rest date is two weeks away, so we had to hurry things along. She is having dizzy spells that make it hard to walk, so she almost didn't make it today. Sitting upright for very long is hard for her, but she did well during the filming. Unfortunately, she is paying for it tonight. She is very uncomfortable and having contractions as I write this. She can't seem to do much of anything anymore, so the bed rest will probably be easier than she thinks.

Some of the questions I was asked tonight got me thinking. Life has so many surprises and challenges, most of which are just a phone call away. We get news and we immediately want answers to our problems. Living in a time where information is almost too easy to obtain, we surf the Internet looking for statistics, longing to find hope. We forget that God has options that we haven't even thought of yet. While we panic, He is busy making our problems work for good in our lives. Sometimes we forget.

My prayer is that God will use the video to remind people that God is in control, and to give people the courage to trust God enough to say yes to life, despite the statistics. It would be worth the trouble if just one life were saved.

We have some hard challenges ahead. We are taking these days one at a time, hanging on to our faith. In the meantime, the quads don't seem to be concerned one bit about the odds and have no idea the fuss they are causing. They just relax and keep on growing. I am learning from them already.

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