Week 28--Bio-Physicals and Baby Checks
Bio-physicals: All babies scored 8's out of 10. They were practicing breathing.
Baby Check: Fluids and weights were good on all four babies. There is a 13% difference between the biggest and the smallest baby, which is good since they like it to be less than 20%. It went down from two weeks ago, when it was 18%.
Quad A: 2 lbs. 12 oz. (56%) He is breech. He is at the bottom taking all
the weight of the other three babies.
Quad B: 2 lbs. 6 oz. (46%) He is oblique, which is between breech and
Quad C: 2 lbs. 7 oz. She is breech.
Quad D: 2 lbs. 8 oz. She is transverse. She was using Quad B's bottom
as a pillow.
The nurse said that Sarah is quite a celebrity on the floor. Everyone is talking about the quad mom and trying to guess which one she is. The nurse asked if she could let one of the other patients come in for a visit. It gets lonely for people who don't have family around. She also told us that there are three sets of triplets on the floor. Babies are everywhere!
The technician mentioned how well Sarah was doing, noting that another quad mom had lost all of her babies this past year. My mom said, "It's all the prayer." The technician agreed, noting that Sarah's condition is quite amazing. She added that Sarah doesn't have the swollen ankles and the high blood pressure and the diabetes that goes along with higher multiples or "super twins," as they call them. God is so good.

He is working in wonderful ways that gets the attention of the people in our lives. When we go to the bank, everyone asks about Sarah. When we go to the dentist, they are cheering Sarah on and offering prayer support. Everywhere we go, people are asking--sometimes begging--to tell us all about this unusual pregnancy, which naturally leads to giving credit to God. These babies are a result of prayer, and they are being nurtured through prayer.
When I ponder the lasting power of prayer, I think of my great grandmother. She was a tiny woman with a big family. She had nine children and a husband who adored her. One thing I remember is that Grandma Cora was a good cook. She made homemade egg noodles and dried them on clean chair backs so they would store well in the pantry. Her cocoa cakes were light and moist. The rich frosting was simply prepared by breaking off a chunk of Hershey's Chocolate from the display case in my great grandfather's general store, placing it in a pie tin and melting it in a low-temperature oven. Then she would stir in a little fresh cream and pour the delicious mixture over her cake. The smells from her kitchen brought her family to the table quicker than a dinner bell ever could.
Sadly, though, Grandma Cora was deaf. Raising a family at the turn of the century brought enough troubles on its own. Deafness added additional hardships, as well as an unusual loneliness to the family dynamic. Grandma Cora spent most of her life in silence, alone with her thoughts and her prayers.
But Grandma Cora had a great faith. Every day after her chores were finished, she sat in the kitchen with her Bible on her lap. There she prayed for all nine of her children to give their hearts to Christ.
Years passed. Grandma Cora died in 1974, but her prayers did not die with her. I watched in wonder as, one by one, her children came to Christ. My great uncle was in his nineties when he became the seventh to surrender his heart. Only the two youngest--both women in their eighties--were left. Finally, the last two came to God--a sister in Nevada and the other in Ohio. One beautiful day, they walked the church aisle together to be baptized.
My great grandma had been gone over 26 years. Before she died, the prayers she prayed were set in motion and God went to work. He honored those prayers in His time and in His way. All those quiet years, she was not really alone. God was listening.
When I think of all the wonderful people who are praying every day for my grandchildren, I get nervously excited. Where will God take them? How will He use them? What an amazing start to their already unusual beginning! It's a privilege to be along for the ride. Grandma Cora would be so proud.
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