My Daughter Gave Birth to Quadruplets!

Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Psalms 112:1-2

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blood Work/Prayer Request

Anemia and gestational diabetes are common in pregnancy with multiples. Sarah struggled with anemia when she was a baby, and diabetes runs in Tom's family, so I have been worried. At first, one of the doctors told us to avoid sugar in juice, drinks, or fruit in order to ward off the diabetes. They changed their minds when she wasn't gaining enough weight. Now we offer her everything fattening several times a day. After a lifetime of dieting, I have had to retrain my thinking. (Skim milk is our friend, right? No, wait...Skim milk is bad, but butter is good.)

After lots of unnecessary worry, we learned that the results of Sarah's blood work were great! Her hemoglobin levels are higher than the average woman who is pregnant with one baby. Her gestational diabetes test results were 93, well below the desired limit of 130. Prayer cover is amazing.

Sarah has been in much pain the last few days. She went to the doctor today and discovered that her upper stomach muscles are tearing and separating from the weight of four babies. This painful development is common with multiples, unfortunately. The muscles will grow back after delivery. For now, she will have to take Tylenol and make the best of it. She is only comfortable reclining with support pillows. Maybe mandatory bed rest won't be so difficult, after all.

Please pray:
1. That her stomach muscles will stop giving her so much pain
2. That she will continue to be healthy and avoid complications
3. That the babies will thrive and grow until 34 weeks

We are so thankful everyone who is praying. Thank you!!!

1 comment:

Erica said...

I am so glad you are doing this blog! I am constantly thinking about Sarah and Tony and everyone. And ofcoarse, ALWAYS praying.