My Daughter Gave Birth to Quadruplets!

Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Psalms 112:1-2

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Emergency C- Section Today/Please Pray

Sent: Aug 25, 2010 12:06 PM
Subject: Sarah is having an emergency c-section at 2:30. Baby D has an issue. Please pray.
Sent via BlackBerry by ATT


Cassie said...

praying, praying
for miss D & mister B.
I hope that they just want born for have more space and that all will be ok after birth !

Cathy Stevens said...

be anxious for nothing but with prayer and thanksgiving let your requests be made known and the peace that passes all understanding will fill you. God is with you all and His people are praying for the miracle to be completed.

Cathy Stevens said...

this is one of the most magnificent experiences you will ever encounter. Watching 4 babies being delivered out of the one you love. embrace and marvel how God works ALL things for good.

Cathy Stevens said...

Tony's family in South Carolina congratulates Tony & Sarah for the birth of four beautiful faith babies. Born through the miracle of love grace and mercy. May God bless you with His strength in joy through the arrival of these children you so desperately desired. God gave you the desire of your heart and double for your trouble, or should we say quadruple. Grandma is so-o-o happy.

tammy said...

We had our triplets at GoodSam at 32 weeks. My friend just told me about you going in early and delivering today. God Bless you and them. We are praying for you. Our triplets are healthy and happy and are 6 years old. THey were at Goodsam for one month until they were feeding ok. if you have any questions email us. We will help as much as we can. God Bless. Tammy Pfister Hamilton Ohio.