Sarah tried to go without her morning sickness medicine yesterday since she was feeling somewhat better, but spent the evening throwing up and in tears. She gets so discouraged when she feels so poorly. I get discouraged when she throws up all the food I tempt her with!
On a positive note, she can feel the babies moving around. She said that it feels like she has ping pong balls in her stomach. They are very active, which is good for now.
I sent out the call for people to pray today. There are lots of risks and hurtles, but we know that God is in control. Please pray.
1. Pray for her morning sickness to stop and appetite to increase.Sarah is not gaining enough weight to keep up with the babies.
2. Please pray that she will carry the babies to 34 weeks, the longest the doctors will let her, but 5 weeks longer than average. She
will be on mandatory bed rest at 20 weeks.
3. Pray that Sarah and the babies will be healthy and for Tony as he "copes." :)
4. Pray for our family as we make plans to help and prepare for four.
5. Pray that the babies will be a testimony to God's care, love and power.
6. Please ask everyone you know to pray for the babies. Right now the doctors have named them Quad A, Quad B, Quad C, and Quad D.
Pray specifically for weeks 16 and 20. (She is now at 12 weeks.) Those are the weeks that sonograms usually reveal any major problems.
Today is my dad's birthday. He would have LOVED this excitement!
Thanks for praying!
The LORD your God is with you, He is MIGHTY TO SAVE. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17
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