I took Sarah to the dentist today so he could make sure her teeth are ready for a quad pregnancy. While she was signing in, the receptionist was asking questions about the quads. Some man in the lobby was listening, and came over to sit by Sarah while she waited to go in. He said that his daughter had quintuplets (five!) two years ago, and they have been living with him the whole time. He doesn't want them to go home! He told her that his daughter had severe morning sickness, too. All of the babies are fine, except one has to wear glasses. He was very encouraging, sympathetic and understanding. He said, "It is the hardest thing you will ever do, but it is the best thing you will ever do. I will pray for you."
So amazing. So encouraging. I guess God goes to the dentist, too. :)
Prayer Requests:
Thank you LORD for encouraging Sarah today. Please send more whenever You will.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Dietician's Advice
We went to the dietician's office today. She was very helpful with suggestions for Sarah's lack of weight gain. Basically, she needs to eat every 1 1/2 hours and it should be fattening. For example, I am supposed to hide eggs and protein powder in her meals, as well as nuts and butter. She should eat nothing diet. Her meals should be dry so she has more room for food. She can drink small amounts in between. She is eating for an army, so 12 servings of bread per day, for starters. Every food group serving is multiplied!
I know how to gain weight, obviously. I will have to change the way I shop and think while Sarah is staying with me.
Oh NO! You know what this means? I will be the one who gains weight! :(
Prayer Requests:
1. That I can find high calorie foods that she can eat.
2. That the babies will gain weight and be strong.
3. That I won't gain weight!
I know how to gain weight, obviously. I will have to change the way I shop and think while Sarah is staying with me.
Oh NO! You know what this means? I will be the one who gains weight! :(
Prayer Requests:
1. That I can find high calorie foods that she can eat.
2. That the babies will gain weight and be strong.
3. That I won't gain weight!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Multiples Sale
I did a web search and found out that there is a multiples group in Cincinnati that takes only triplets and above. Mom, Stella (DMIL) and I went to the sale. I was so excited! We got there early and stood in line to get in. It was nice to be around people who have been where we are, have survived, and are smiling!
Sarah's great grandma couldn't come but sent money. She bought her three infant car seats. We still have Callie's, so that makes four. Now we can get them home from the hospital.
Stella found some bottles, onesies and clothes. We figure we will need enough bottles to make them all up at once for each day so we will have to buy more. We heard that color coding babies and supplies makes life easier.
Mom hit the clothing section and grabbed things premie and newborn. The quad mom that was helping us said she had a lot of pink, so she grabbed some more blue. It will help when we know how many of each gender we have!
I found a triplet stroller that is awesome! It is a Runabout. It looks like a jogging stroller, but it is made for three. It has a rain roof, a sun shade, bottle holders, three brakes, and a storage bin. The owner said it was around $1,000 new. The resale value is great. Here is my thinking: if we get a double stroller for Callie and one quad, the triplet stroller will carry the rest. Most people carry them on a bike rack on the back of the mini van. Sarah will probably not go anywhere alone anyway, so we can do it with two. I hope.
I went to the store and bought plus size shirts for Sarah. The doctor said maternity will not fit her, so find whatever works. She is wearing Tom's shirts for now.
We need to organize what we bought and figure out what we need. I just want to feel comfortable about getting the babies home.
Sarah's great grandma couldn't come but sent money. She bought her three infant car seats. We still have Callie's, so that makes four. Now we can get them home from the hospital.
Stella found some bottles, onesies and clothes. We figure we will need enough bottles to make them all up at once for each day so we will have to buy more. We heard that color coding babies and supplies makes life easier.
Mom hit the clothing section and grabbed things premie and newborn. The quad mom that was helping us said she had a lot of pink, so she grabbed some more blue. It will help when we know how many of each gender we have!
I found a triplet stroller that is awesome! It is a Runabout. It looks like a jogging stroller, but it is made for three. It has a rain roof, a sun shade, bottle holders, three brakes, and a storage bin. The owner said it was around $1,000 new. The resale value is great. Here is my thinking: if we get a double stroller for Callie and one quad, the triplet stroller will carry the rest. Most people carry them on a bike rack on the back of the mini van. Sarah will probably not go anywhere alone anyway, so we can do it with two. I hope.
I went to the store and bought plus size shirts for Sarah. The doctor said maternity will not fit her, so find whatever works. She is wearing Tom's shirts for now.
We need to organize what we bought and figure out what we need. I just want to feel comfortable about getting the babies home.
Not Gaining Enough Weight
The doctor called and told Sarah she is not gaining enough weight. Unless she gains a lot now, her body will have a hard time keeping up in the second and third trimesters. She is so sick. He wants us to meet with a dietitian for suggestions. He also wants her to take a test for gestational diabetes, which is common in pregnancy with multiples. She can't stand the thought of the sugar drink!
Prayer Requests:
1. That the babies will be fine and get to 34 weeks ( the longest they will let them go).
2. That Sarah will avoid complications.
3. That she will be able to eat more and gain weight.
4. Wisdom for all of us as we plan for the future.
Prayer Requests:
1. That the babies will be fine and get to 34 weeks ( the longest they will let them go).
2. That Sarah will avoid complications.
3. That she will be able to eat more and gain weight.
4. Wisdom for all of us as we plan for the future.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Decision
I have decided to trust You, Lord. I can't look up any more statistics or watch any more sad multiple stories on cable. You gave us these babies. We are trusting you to keep them strong, help them grow, and bring them safely in this world. Then we will do our part to teach them Your ways and encourage them to serve You. I have decided to HOPE. I have decided to TRUST. If the worst happens, then You will pick us up and carry us through. In the meantime, I choose to trust You.
The LORD your God is with you, He is MIGHTY TO SAVE. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God is with you, He is MIGHTY TO SAVE. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17
Monday, March 22, 2010
Finding Out More

I have been searching on the Internet for information about quadruplets. I was not even sure how to spell it! I like what it means, though:
quad·ru·ple (kw-drpl, -drpl, kwdr-pl)
1. Consisting of four parts or members. (More to LOVE!)
2. Four times as much in size, strength, number, or amount. (Serving God together)
3. Music Having four beats to the measure. (Marching into the doctor's office to show him what our mighty God can do!)
There is a lot of scary information out there. I get sick every time I read something negative. I worry about Sarah.
Tom and I watched a show about families with multiples on T.V. tonight, or should I say "started" to watch it. After a few minutes of incubators and complications, Tom asked me to turn it off. I was done watching, too. So discouraging. This is not for me. I am an educator. I NEED to know what I can to prepare. But this is not the way. I need to pray. I am looking to God for peace and a plan.
This song keeps going through my head. It comforts but scares me at the same time:
"For whatever it takes to draw closer to You, Lord;
That's what I am willing to do.
And whatever it takes to be more like You,
That's what I am willing to do."
The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love Him with all your heart and with all your soul. It is the Lord your God you must follow, and Him you must revere. Keep His commands and obey Him; serve Him and hold fast to Him. Deut. 13:4
Friday, March 19, 2010
I Saw the BABIES!

Sarah is going to a high risk doctor now. The office was not impressed at all when she told them she was carrying quads. There might have even been a stifled "yawn." :) She was so encouraged to not be treated like a freak.
I went with Sarah and Tony today for a more sophisticated sonogram. The babies were adorable! They were very active--waving their arms and kicking their feet. So cute! They are now officially named: Quad A, Quad B, Quad C, and Quad D. All are good size, although two are smaller than the others. Their heartbeats are strong.
Yes, I am crying again. This time I am happy, though. I love these babies already. Lord, please protect them! I want to dress them up and take them in to visit that first doctor, even if I have to pay for it. He doesn't know our God!
Recovering Slightly and Angry
I think I am doing better today, but I am angry about the whole casual "selective or full reduction" recommendation. Wow. What kind of world are we living in?
I asked the Lord to let all the the babies live and serve Him all of their lives. I want to take them in to be a living witness of the power of God to that doctor.
Sarah and Tony talked about it and plan to move in with us for awhile. They will keep their house. IT will be fun!
I asked the Lord to let all the the babies live and serve Him all of their lives. I want to take them in to be a living witness of the power of God to that doctor.
Sarah and Tony talked about it and plan to move in with us for awhile. They will keep their house. IT will be fun!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Now We Know
After school today, Devon and I headed to grab some Lu Lu's Asian Noodles before tutoring. We were waiting to hear from Sarah with a report from her first doctor check up/sonogram. As I pulled into the parking lot, my cell phone rang. It was Sarah, and she was crying. "Mom, I have FOUR BABIES!" she sobbed. It was one of those weird parent moments when my mind went one way and my heart went another.
"That is great news, Honey!" I said, but tears of panic started rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't even think about the babies yet. I was too worried about MY baby, even if she is grown.
Apparently, the doctor was in a panic himself. Everybody working in the office buzzed around and freaked out when the babies showed up on the monitor. The doctor was not encouraging. He gave Sarah statistics and warnings, including:
1. This is a one in a million event.
2. All four babies have strong heartbeats, so you will probably not lose them, although miscarriages are common with multiples. You just won't carry them long enough.
3. You are too small to successfully carry four babies.
4. You have only a ten percent chance of carrying them until they can survive on their own.
5. There is a high rate of defects and disabilities with multiples.
Bottom Line--He said that Sarah should selectively reduce her pregnancy; in other words, she should abort two of the babies. Dumbfounded, she asked him what he would advise his wife or daughter to do in this situation. He said, "Abort and try to get pregnant again." HIS recommendation is to abort the whole pregnancy.
I tried to encourage her, reminding her of God's love and care and plan, as long as I could without my voice breaking. Then I gave the phone to Devon, who is totally pumped. :)
When we pick ourselves up, we need to get people praying!
Lord, help us! What will we do? Our lives have changed forever, any way you look at it. It is amazing how one phone call can change everything. I feel like we were all lined up like dominoes set in a neat little pattern, and that phone call knocked us all down. We will never be the same.
"That is great news, Honey!" I said, but tears of panic started rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't even think about the babies yet. I was too worried about MY baby, even if she is grown.
Apparently, the doctor was in a panic himself. Everybody working in the office buzzed around and freaked out when the babies showed up on the monitor. The doctor was not encouraging. He gave Sarah statistics and warnings, including:
1. This is a one in a million event.
2. All four babies have strong heartbeats, so you will probably not lose them, although miscarriages are common with multiples. You just won't carry them long enough.
3. You are too small to successfully carry four babies.
4. You have only a ten percent chance of carrying them until they can survive on their own.
5. There is a high rate of defects and disabilities with multiples.
Bottom Line--He said that Sarah should selectively reduce her pregnancy; in other words, she should abort two of the babies. Dumbfounded, she asked him what he would advise his wife or daughter to do in this situation. He said, "Abort and try to get pregnant again." HIS recommendation is to abort the whole pregnancy.
I tried to encourage her, reminding her of God's love and care and plan, as long as I could without my voice breaking. Then I gave the phone to Devon, who is totally pumped. :)
When we pick ourselves up, we need to get people praying!
Lord, help us! What will we do? Our lives have changed forever, any way you look at it. It is amazing how one phone call can change everything. I feel like we were all lined up like dominoes set in a neat little pattern, and that phone call knocked us all down. We will never be the same.
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